“There’s a comment on Discogs that describes Drexciya as “America’s answer to Kraftwerk,” which might just be the most succinct way of putting it. Between 1992 and 2002 Heinrich Mueller (who was then referred to by his given name, Gerald Donald) and James Stinson recorded some of the most advanced and influential electro/techno ever to come out of Detroit. And they were certainly the most enigmatic. Even at the point of Stinson’s untimely passing in 2002, next to nothing was known about the group—they seldom spoke to the press, were never photographed and never performed live. Mueller went on to form, or continue with, a number of other projects, exploring a vast range of sonic textures and concepts in doing so. Dopplereffekt, Der Zyklus and Arpanet are just a few of these names, while the most recent of these, Zwischenwelt, are on the cusp of releasing the otherworldly Paranormale Aktivitat long-player.”
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Resident Advisor podcast #250 by Heinrich Mueller [Filesonic]

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