Status for Core News

Update: See this post for the latest news –

As you may have noticed Filesonic suspended downloading of files this weekend. This is probably due to Megaupload being destroyed by FBI.
Many other file hosts have fully or partially closed their services, and this will probably change the internet as we know and love.

Let us hope MPAA, RIAA, and all the other backward power houses in Hollywood (and worldwide) will go out of business soon. Their business models are ancient and they need to get up to date with the technology, instead of trying to cripple the internet.

For now Core News will take a break and observe what will happen next. Thanks for understanding and keep on loving good music.

-Thomas of Core News

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27 thoughts on “Status for Core News”

  1. Thanks for what you have done. I have been downloading from here for about a year and a half. Like others have said, I feel part of the scene while being an ocean away. I even got shout outs from Fabio on the BBC drum and bass show!

  2. i had a feeling this was due to the megaupload fiasco. while i totally understand why core news and a lot of others are going quiet, i’m still really bummed by this chain of events. thanks for all the good memories, these radio shows and mixtapes helped get me through some tough times. thanks thomas!

  3. thank you for your good work (so far?).
    The Internet is getting a lot under pressure these days.
    Hopefully see you soon.

  4. I moved off the grid about 4 years ago and luckily i found your website and it really help me through a tough and dark period… now i’m making music and about to drop an album… please keep underground music available for people because not everyone is rich and on broadband… thanks everyone involved in making dance music and for those who don’t treat it and people like a product… Confusing us while the earth is being destroyed, poisoned and weaponizing an uneducated youth …. big up to the good people!!!!

  5. Thomas,
    thanks for all your hard work. We all hope that you’ll find a safe and convenient way back. Meanwhile, perhaps you might use your RSS feed to alert users to other potential sources for the music which we all love.

  6. Honestly gutted with this ridiculousness. I recently fell in love with Mosca and came to your gem of a site to find the dopiest mixes. Obviously those days are over. I’ve lived in new york city and still been able to feel 100% part of a scene a whole ocean a way for years just from keeping up with your coverage of all the bass sounds coming out of the uk and elsewhere. big ups thomas for holding it down. hopefully well be able to figure something out.

  7. Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put into this site. You’ve made difficult to obtain material easy and organized, and helped many of us discover new artists in the process.

    Thanks again!

  8. Thank you for everything you’ve done, I’ve discovered a lot of music through your efforts. Hopefully you’re able to start it up again…

  9. Thanks for the hard work Thomas, I visit daily and always download whatever takes my fancy, this is my first point of call to find new dubstep truth be told… lets hope we can see more new stuff soon, your contribution is invaluable and you’ve always worked hard getting new music to our ears! Well done mate 🙂

  10. Thank you Thomas, for all the hard work and excellent shows you have provided us with over the years.

    You have introduced not only me, but lots of others who visit Core to so many different styles of music, which would have otherwise gone missed, if the method of Filehosting didn’t exist.

    Terrible times. Gutted. 🙁

    Take care. Your friend, Lucky.

    PS: There is a great thread about the ongoing situation, here:

    Rapidshare seem to be the best bet at the mo’.

  11. Thanks for all the good work so far.

    The scene will adapt, if it means more personal interaction at events then so be it!

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