Core News

Status for Core News – Sorry for the long hiatus

Hi all!
Some of you might have noticed that has been nada updates for a long time on Core News. The reason is that I have moved from Northern Norway to the southeastern part (Nesodden in Akershus for those who know Norwegian geography). I have been pretty busy with the moving business and haven’t really got back into blogging yet. Hopefully I’m gonna start posting lots of good music ASAP (including Mary Anne Hobbs), but since I’ve been out of the game I would really appreciate information about new sets/mixes that you have made or found on the internetz. If you wanna send me a tip about new music, please use the contact form.

Oh yeah, since I now live close to Oslo I will be able to see more live breakcore, dubstep, sweet music than I have ever seen before. Maybe I will blog about these live shows if I can manage to be sober enough.
Bigup to everyone at The Villa when Ebola, Bong Ra, Kamerat Tord, etc played. It was wicked even tho Bong Ra almost destroyed my hearing 😉


Status for Core News – Sorry for the long hiatus Read More »