Rene Hell – Resident Advisor podcast #397
“We begin 2014 in the PAN artist’s sound world.
Rene Hell is the primary recording alias of ambient and experimental artist Jeff Witscher. Under the name, Witscher has produced a dizzying body of work, much of which has been released on cassette through his own Agents Of Chaos label. If you’re familiar with Witscher’s music, there’s a good chance you came to him through The Terminal Symphony, his 2011 full-length on Type. The album was, in the main, a beatless examination of synthesised repetition that was often breathlessly pretty. Its often challenging follow up, Vanilla Call Option, was released in September on Bill Kouligas’s PAN—”on close listening it presents moments of stark, bewildering beauty,” said RA’s Josh Hall at the time. Rene Hell is Witscher’s most visible pseudonym but it’s by no means his only one. Seek out his wide array music as Secret Abuse, Abelar Scout, Impregnable or Marble Sky, and his work in groups such as Deep Jew, Trash Dog and Foot Village.”
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