Gilles Peterson Worldwide – International edition #912 2014-09-20 Worldwide Family mixtape from Raoul K
Here is this weeks International edition of the Gilles Peterson Worldwide show, #912 I believe (it is a bit hard to follow the numbers on these broadcasts), with a Worldwide Family mixtape from Raoul K. This two hour show is syndicated to different radio stations. If you are looking for the three hour BBC 6 Music version see here.
“Gilles Peterson propose un mix éclectique comme à son habitude avec au menu Flying Lotus, Laura Mvula, Jun Miyaké, Koola Lobitos, Orchestre Bana Luya…
Ce samedi, Mr Raoul K, dj et producteur originaire de Côte d’Ivoire installé en Allemagne depuis plus de 20 ans nous fait découvrir sa Worldwide Family mixtape.”
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Gilles Peterson Worldwide – International edition #912 2014-09-20 Worldwide Family mixtape from Raoul K [ download] [ download]
See text file.
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