Amy Lamé 2018-02-18 with the Singer Kristeen Young
“Amy is joined by the New York based singer-songwriter Kristeen Young to chat about her eighth studio album, Live at the Witch’s Tit, which was co-produced by Brooklyn boy Tony Visconti.
They’ll also be a French Fancy and a little focus on your late night exploits in the pub/club/live venue world with her Last Night a DJ Saved My Life feature.
A broadcaster, performer and writer, Amy has been a regular voice on 6 Music. As well as sitting in for Tom Ravenscroft, Lauren Laverne, Nemone and Steve Lamacq, she has also presented one-off specials. These include the Sunday Service slot last year, where she explored the music that led up to Gay Liberation in the late 1960s, the music that drove the movement forward and the songs that inspired her, as part of 6 Music’s Loud and Proud season.”
Amy Lamé 2018-02-18 with the Singer Kristeen Young [ download]
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