DJ Richard – Resident Advisor podcast #486 2015-09-21
“Murky ambience from a dance music outsider.
In 2012, DJ Richard founded White Material with Quinn Taylor, AKA Young Male, a friend and former classmate at Rhode Island School Of Design. By their own admission, they were a little wet behind the ears. “The only thing I knew about selling music was selling cassettes at a noise show,” Richard told us a couple years ago. That didn’t slow them down much—their tracks were strange and fresh enough to make their label an immediate hit, landing a distribution deal with Hard Wax and quickly selling out their first releases. Things have moved fast since then. Richard relocated to Berlin, got a job at Record Loft and honed his craft as a DJ and producer. This month he released Grind, his excellent debut album on Dial Records.
On paper it might seem like Richard’s changed a lot these past few years, moving as he has from the basement shows of Providence to the nightclubs of Europe. But his history with America’s scrappy noise underground still informs his music, lending a dark, arthouse spirit to even his most clubby productions. RA.486 underlines this fact, stringing 74 minutes of avant-garde selections into what sounds like a transmission from the dark corners of the subconscious.”
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DJ Richard – Resident Advisor podcast #486 2015-09-21 Read More »