Gilles Peterson Worldwide – International edition #973 2015-11-20 Worldwide Family Mixtape from Cobblestone Jazz (Mathew Jonson)
Here is this weeks International edition of the Gilles Peterson Worldwide show, #973 I believe. This two hour show is syndicated to different radio stations.
“Mathew Jonson’s emergence near the turn of the millennium was a wake-up call for the techno traditionalists in Berlin and Detroit. There was a new force to be reckoned with and he was from Vancouver. There’s a simultaneous mystique and allure about Jonson’s output, be it as a DJ or producer, that few can rival, so it’s a real privilege to bring you a live set he recorded at Labyrinth Festival earlier this year.”
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Gilles Peterson Worldwide – International edition #973 2015-11-20 Worldwide Family Mixtape from Cobblestone Jazz (Mathew Jonson) [ download] [ download] [ download] [Get Premium for unlimited downloads]
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